AiRS Boss, Dr Greg Ezeilo FCA Interacts With Market Leaders Over Payment of Market Levy.

Update From The Revenue House:…

The Chairman/Chief Executive Anambra State Board of Internal Revenue Service, *Dr Greg Ezeilo FCA* yesterday Thursday 9, November 2023 had an interactive session with all the Market Leaders in the State under the umbrella of the Anambra State Market and Traders Association (ASMATA) led by its President General, *Chief Humphrey Anunna* (Onwa Ora-Eri).

The meeting was held at the ASMATA House, Modebe Avenue, Onitsha and the purpose of the meeting was to propel the traders on the need to expedite action with regards to payment of market Levies.

Addressing the audience, the AiRS Chairman, Dr Ezeilo frowned at the slow pace at which the market Levies are been organized by the traders and gave the traders a 14 day ultimatum beginning from today to remit the expected revenue payment into the State government account in line with the agreement made by the revenue agency and the market leaders.He further stated that by 2024 in line with his vision to intensionally formalize the informal economic sector of the State, \”There will be a consolidated revenue payments for the market as *presumptive personal income which will also cover the issuance of Tax Clearance Certificate as one of it\’s benefits to the traders *., He stated.

Dr Ezeilo also promised to give prizes to any market executive that meets up to 50-100 percent of the market levy targets given to them within the two weeks period of the ultimatum as part motivation to drive the market revenue.

In a remark, the President General, ASMATA, Chief Humphrey Anunna promised that this leadership will work very hard to see that the vision of increasing the State Internally generated revenue through the market levy payment will be actualized.

Present at the meeting were, *Mr Ben Anierobi Okafor* (Executive Director in charge of Direct Assessment AiRS), Chief Nwankwo Jude (Patron ASMATA and Chairman, Building Materials Market, Ogidi), *Hon Samuel Chike Odoji (State Coordinator, Market Levy Payment), Chief Humphrey Anunna (ASMATA PG) and all the market executives in Anambra State..


Emeh Pascal O
For: Taxpayer Education and Enlightenment Team TEET AiRS.

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