SSA to Gov Soludo on IGR (Technical), Mrs Oyeka Amara Holds Strategic Meeting with The AiRS Solutions Provider; Oasis Management Technologies.

Update From The Revenue House:…

Earlier today, Wednesday January 10,2024, The management of the *Anambra State Board of Internal Revenue* had a strategic meeting with the *Oasis Management Technologies (AiRS Solutions Provider)* and all *Revenue Bucket Heads of the AiRS* at the Board Room Hall of the AiRS.

The meeting was conveyed by the Senior Special Assistant to Gov Charles Chukwuma Soludo CFR on IGR Technical, Mrs OYEKA Amara Kate. The purpose of the meeting was to fine-tune operational ideas as well as streamline technological input with the Oasis Management with a view to building a robust software system that will help to galvanize an effective and seamless revenue generation and collection in the State.

On their part, the Oasis Management Technologies through one of their facilitator, *Mr Chukwudi Njoku* made an elaborate presentation which borders on the *Role of Technology, Process/Strategy and People*. It also hinged on the need to develop a formidable technological system that will be able formalize the informal sector taxpayers in the State. Questions were raised from some of the participants on the challenges and prospects on the job using available software and relevant answers were readily provided by the Oasis Management Technologies. However, there are some grey areas noted and Oasis Management promised to revert and make some critical corrections and changes on the system in use for optimal input, bearing in mind that when taxpayers enjoys seamless tax services, it will inturn boost the confidence reposed on AiRS as an agency.

The SSA on IGR Technical, Mrs Oyeka made some valuable inputs and requested that these changes be made functional by the end of January,,2024. She also suggested that the meeting be made to hold on monthly basis for optimum review and assessment.

She also said that she\’s going to set an 8-man team known as *AiRS Voice-Of Tech* (AVT) saddled with the responsibility of interface with Oasis Management Technologies and AiRS Staff to resolve all internal technology issues. This is in a bid to reduce all complaints and internal technical glitches across outstations and Head office. The team will be headed by the HOD, ICT Dept.

The MD, Oasis Management Technologies Mr Maduka Emelife thanked the SSA on iGR Technical for convening the meeting. In his words , \”it shows that we can actually solve problems without suspecting each other and that the earlier we solve tax problems, the better confidence they have on AiRS as an agency\”.


Emeh Pascal O
For: Taxpayer Education and Enlightenment Team (TEET) AiRS

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