Police Arrests Hoodlums Who Abduct Revenue Officers in Onitsha.

The police have arrested hoodlums who allegedly abducted and unlawfully detained a Community Revenue Officer (CRO) attached with the Anambra Internal Revenue Service AiRS – Miss Amaka Ibisi. The incident happened at about 10:26 am on Wednesday, 22nd January 2020 at No 39, Emeka Idu Street, (3-3) Trans-Nkisi, GRA Onitsha, Anambra State.

It was gathered that the CRO was assigned to register a business outfit named “Lorremel Designs” situated at the above building and other businesses operating within the area. Unfortunately, when the CRO approached the business premises of “Lorremel Designs” to conduct her lawful duty, she was unlawfully abducted and detained in the compound housing the business outfit by the business owner and her accomplice by name Chijioke (also known as CJ) who assaulted and threatened to deal with the Revenue Officer.

After a series of arguments and attempts by her colleagues to rescue her failed, the incident was reported to the nearest police station (Divisional Police Head Quarters, 3-3 Junction). She was rescued by the police officers after several hours of detention. The officers equally arrested the abductors who were taken to the police station. As at the time of filing this report, the case is being handled by the security authorities.

The Chairman of AIRS has cautioned that it is an offense to molest or maltreat any revenue officer on duty as offenders will be prosecuted and may be liable to a jailed term of up to 10 years if convicted.

The management of AiRS wishes to use this medium to appeal to the general public to support the Community Revenue Officers who have been commissioned to go round the state and assist all businesses with their compulsory Registration/Renewal of Business premises.

Every business operating in the state has a responsibility to register their business premises in the state Business Premises Register and ensure that they obtain Certificate of Business Premises Registration/Renewal which must be displayed consciously within the premises where the business operates.


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